Friday, January 21, 2011

KidzRock USA

To Followup Randy Thompson, missionary to kids, visit this past week, just wanted to pass along the new info-video, "The Top 7 Things For $30".
You know how reviews go, "I laughed, I cried, I had to watch it again!", says the Topeka Auto Dealer

KidzRock USA May 14th 2011

This is one of those rare events that I believe can really draw together masses of kids and impact them in life-changing ways. For that reason I bring it up, not because it is hosted at any particular place or it's certain people, but because I know it can really impact kids' lives.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January Stats

Well, we are three meets in and entering the home stretch for the Northeast.  One meet to go before State Finals.

January Team Summaries are now available.  Coaches, if you find any discrepancies or questions, please let me know.

Jan-Aleague-Team Summaries

Jan-Bleague-Team Summaries

Jan-Cleague Team Summaries