Sunday, September 6, 2009

2009-2010 Season Changes

  1. Ohio has changed it's rules to now correspond with the National Guidelines.  These can be downloaded here:
  2. We have new leagues.  JBQ will now run 3-leagues.  Grade and experience will be the determining factors to help you place your team(s) in the correct place.
    1. C-league is for K-1 graders.  
      1. They will quiz on only half of the Fact-Pak each year.  The first half in 09-10 and the second half in 10-11.  Breakdown of questions for C-league this season is:
      2. Oct/Nov--questions 1-72, 289-336, & 481-504
      3. Jan/Feb--questions 1-144, 289-384, & 481-528
      4. C-league teams will not be eligible for the State Meet in March
               2.  B-league is for 2-3 graders
      1. B-league is the first-year league for quizzers in 2-6th grades.  Any student quizzing their first year can quiz in B-league.
      2. Will quiz over the whole Fact-Pak during the year.
      3. Oct--questions 1-72, 289-336, & 481-504
      4. Nov--questions 1-144, 289-384, & 481-528
      5. Jan--questions 1-216, 289-432, & 481-552
      6. Feb--questions 1-576
      7. Will be eligible for the State Meet in March
              3.  A-league is for 4-6th graders

      1. First year quizzers, though in 4th-6th grades may quiz on a B-league team if it is their first year
      2. Quizzers younger than 4th grade may quiz on an A-league team.
      3. A-league questions for ALL meets (Oct/Nov/Jan/Feb) will be over questions 1-576
      4. Will be eligible for the State Meet in March
      5. Quizzers on A & B league teams may be rearranged for State Meet

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